Home Is Where You Make It, Boy


No this post isn’t a nod to the movie, Joe Dirt, but rather it is inspired by feelings that no matter where we find ourselves in this adventure, our home is always where we make it and create it to be. I’ve realized this much more fully after moving miles and miles away from our last home. Ever since we landed in Hamburg, we have been reveling in the fact that this, this place with the beautiful sights, awesome city vibe, and amazing people is our new home and our new reality. Even while we ceaselessly searched the first few weeks for an actual home here, the sense that Hamburg was home came easily to the both of us. From the start we felt settled. Even with living out of our suitcases and not speaking a lick of German, we quickly transitioned into new realities and a new way of doing life.

So what does life look like for us now? Well, for starters, we spend a lot more time together! Exploring together, playing a lot more games together (and a lot less TV together) and even reading the bible together- my favorite. We are trying out lots of different types of food, as there is a little bit of everything here.  We quickly learned that most everyone eats a hamburger and fries with a knife and fork, it still feels very sophisticated but it does make sense, no messy hands! We spend a good amount of time at the grocery store as we try to figure out exactly what we are buying.  We are also learning the power of Trust on a whole new level. Trusting in God’s plan and purposes in the big and littles of our life together has been truly rewarding. And through it all, we are learning to be real adventurers during this time in our life. : )  Speaking of which I have been eyeing this print to hang up in our new home. You may have seen it floating around Pinterest. It’s just too perfect!

Tomorrow I am posting our 5 favorites things we love about Hamburg (so far), so be sure to check back and find out what made the list!