Top Five Things We LOVE About Hamburg

Happy Valentine’s Day Friends! In keeping with the theme of today, I am sharing the top five things we just LOVE about Hamburg, so far. There is much to love about Hamburg, and I’ve realized I have shared little about this amazing place, so I hope this paints a better picture for you:

1. Modes of Transportation: Mass Transit and Walking



Public transportation is great. The fact that everywhere you go, you are a short distance from an S or U bahn station, as well as a bus stop has been incredibly convenient.  We also walk a whole lot more than we ever did back home which is surprisingly an added bonus. I mean it may be a little over two months since I have been to a gym (or have done an Insanity workout at home) but just walking a few miles everyday has provided a means of staying healthy and fit. And totally counteracts my frequent stops to the local pastry shops…right? But even more importantly, walking allows for fresh air and daily sightseeing.

2. Architecture and Old Buildings



I have always loved beautiful architecture. Not only is it incredibly pleasing to the eye, but also most times it tells an even more incredible story.  Jeremy and I cannot get enough of the amazing sights every time we turn a corner and it certainly has not sunk in fully that we live in such a beautiful place.

3. Pace of Life



 Our new home in Hafencity is about a five to ten minute walk from the city center of Hamburg. While it is a fairly big city, you can walk down any side street from its centre and immediately feel like you are miles away from downtown Hamburg. Along with that, most everything closes on Sunday, with the exclusion of some restaurants and cafes. This took a little while to get used to since back in the states Sunday was just another day to get your shopping done, but at the same time it becomes a true sabbath day set aside for church, sightseeing and relaxing in sweats!

4. Our Home in Hafencity


Speaking of our new home, it is definetly one of our favorites, and we really could not be more thrilled with it. This is a teaser, I know, but don’t worry I will post new pictures of the inside very soon!

5. Living a Simpler Life


This may sound like a strange one since its not so much about Hamburg as it is about how it took us moving to Germany to realize that simpler IS better. You make think by reading my blog title I would have this one figured out completely, but that is so far from the truth. One example being that during the first month living in Hamburg, we had only the clothes and items that we packed in our suitcases. While I certainly missed my pillow (I LOVE my pillow), living with less was incredibly refreshing. We had less to keep track of, less to stress over, and certainly less to occupy or minds with. When it came to clothes specifically, I didn’t have to spend long thinking what I was going to wear that day or try on 7 different outfits till I landed on the right one. It is refreshing to know that we have everything we need, and that it IS enough.

Well, there you have it! Can you tell we are loving life as “Hamburgers”!? I know that as we get more acquainted with this city we will find new things to fall in love with and I am excited to explore them.  What are things you love about your home? Please share!


I also wanted to share that I am currently taking Photo 101 through Nicole’s Classes Online, and absolutely loving it! I have had a Canon DSLR camera for almost five years now and I have never properly taken the time to learn how to use it. (Shame on me, I know!) I am about to finish up week 2 this Sunday and I am already learning SO much. Be sure to check out their site for more details on the many classes they offer. : )

Happy Weekend!